Life is beautiful. I don't have to prove that to anybody because it just simply is. I apologize to the forces that have made life what it is for cursing mine sometimes and in this day and age we do that a lot. We all face troubles. We have all seen ugly things in life. It is because of that ugliness that we see beauty. I see beauty and I like to keep it to myself. We get repaid for every tear we shed with a smile. A smile that represents happiness and peace, which we will never receive through money or any materialistic item. What you feel then is joy not happiness.Talk of emotions has nothing to do with matter. We getso frustrated about selfish people when the truth is we are all selfish. Even when do things for others we do it for our own sanctity. The purpose of our soul is to find happiness and inner peace. Knowledgeable are those who find it even in the most trying times and foolish are those who spend their whole lives earning money and getting wealthier. All the...