I remember the last time, I kissed your face.
Your silence was screaming in my ears.
You gave me my best four years
I love you for your mesmerizing charm, your cute little laughs and funny tales.
They will never be lost
You’ll stay alive, always in our hearts. And I will pray every day for your soul.
With a hope that you’ll return to me,
I will not give away those hand me downs,because somewhere I believe that you will grow into them.
I will keep those toy cars and teddy bears for you to play with.
I shrieked and wailed to god asking for answers.
When you surrendered with your last breath in mum’s protective arms.
Those cruel 8 months you fought your battle like a warrior, like a terrier.

You gave me my best four years………………………………………………………..

This is the story of a 4yr old boy who is no more. Ronan Thompson was a warrior and we should all learn from him. It brings tears to my eyes everytime I think of how many Ronans are suffering in this world . I request everybody reading this to donate money to any cancer charity/fund you like. Trust me it helps.


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