My Choice. The video , recently, released by Deepika Padukone has created quite some flack. Where half the world is with it the other half is against it. Or should I say the other gender?
The video showcases Padukone and a couple other celebrities talking about how their choices are their business and nobody else's. What we wear, how we wear it, what we do, whether we marry or not? And , yes, to a certain extent women are entitled to their choices. But if they are entitled to theirs shouldn't men be entitled to their own. What they are asking is to not be criticized about everything they do. I believe in that. But then why should we criticize men about what they do?
Being a feminist does not mean we be anti-men.That is not what feminism is. Feminism empowers women and just that. The anti-men attitude is putting feminism in the dark shadows.
 So we ask for our rights but neglect others, whatever we do is our choice but what others do is not?
If I look at it from a woman's point of view , I see it as right. If I look at it from a man's point of you......they are being generalized as cheaters and adultrators(Is that a word?????? It is now!!)
Why?? Are we right in doing that?

Recently I read a post on Facebook that said, that because of all the divorce campaigns and organizations being set up in India that favour women a lot of women are misusing these services.
It's not fair. It's so NOT FAIR!

Be yourselves ladies, that's all I'm going to say. Be proud of your choices. Nobody should criticize your choices or mark them as wrong. And that stands for men as well as women. At the end of the day , we are all humans.We all think the same the difference is of perspectives and those differences are from person to person. I am a feminist. I believe in Equality, not the strength of a single gender but the power we have standing together.


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