Happy New Year!

The new year, for us , marks new a new beginning. We make resolutions, promises, plan out routines and fill out our calendar. We decide we will try and be a better person than we were and watch our steps and not make the same mistakes we made the previous year.
We make plans to meet our friends for New Years Eve and call those on whose feet we've stepped on to try and mend broken bridges and repair sporadically broken roads.
We thank the gods for an eventful year. We all had moments of distrust in our faiths and futures but whenever the thick dark, clouds prevailed, it was followed by a single ray of sunshine that chased them away.
If you think that your year was otherwise, then don"t lose hope........
Don't lose hope because the future will give you infinite opportunities to fix things and still follow dreams.
This year I can't stress enough on how important it is to make your dreams your goals and work towards them. Even a little progress will give you sure shot satisfaction. Take out time for what matters and make it your priority. Also remember it's never too late to achieve anything.
Make this year the clean slate you can write on. Make memories, try new things and this year not just as good but better than any other.

Sorry for not posting for soooo long ;( But don't worry my New Years Resolution is to update more often so look out for exploding notifications!
Happy New Year to all my readers!


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